⬤ Red circles indicate publications from the CERC team & project. ⬤ Green circles are from the narrower HECC group.
⬤ Tappenden, Frederick and Edward Slingerland. (2018). “Introduction: Religion, Digital Humanities, and Cognitive Historiography,” Journal of Cognitive Historiography 3:1-2: 7-11
⬤ Brenton Sullivan, Michael Muthukrishna, Frederick Tappenden and Edward Slingerland. (2018). “Exploring the Challenges and Potentialities of the Database of Religious History for Cognitive Historiography,” Journal of Cognitive Historiography 3:1-2: 12-31
⬤ Cohen, E., Baimel, A., and Purzycki, B. G. (2018). Religiosity and resource allocation in Marajó, Brazil. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 8(2): 168-184.
⬤ Baimel, A., Birch, S. A. J., and Norenzayan, A. (2018). Coordinating bodies and minds: Behavioral synchrony fosters mentalizing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 74, 281-290.
⬤ Purzycki, B., Ross, C., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q., Cohen, E., McNamara, R., Willard, A., Xygalatas, D., Norenzayan, A., and Henrich, J. (2018). Material security, life history, and moralistic religions: A cross-cultural examination. Plos One, 13(3), e0193856.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., Pisor, A. C., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q., Cohen, E., Henrich, J., McElreath, R., McNamara, R. A., Norenzayan, A., Willard, A. K., and Xygalatas, D. (2018). The cognitive and cultural foundations of moral behavior. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39(5): 490-501.
⬤ Slingerland, Edward and Brenton Sullivan. (2017) “Durkheim With Data: The Database of Religious History (DRH),” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 85.2: 312-347
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and Jamieson-Lane, A. (2017). AnthroTools: An R package for cross-cultural ethnographic data analysis. Cross-Cultural Research, 51(1): 51-74.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. (2017). What can cultural evolution tell us about the human conquest of the planet? In What can evolution tell us about morality? Chicago, IL: Center for Humans & Nature.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., Henrich, J. & Norenzayan, A., eds. (2017). The evolution of religion and morality: The random allocation game in eight societies [special issue]. Religion, Brain and Behavior.
⬤ White, C., Baimel, A., & Norenzayan, A. (2017). What are the causes and consequences of belief in karma? Religion, Brain & Behavior.
⬤ Willard, A. K. & Norenzayan, A. (2017). “Spiritual but not religious”: Cognition, schizotypy, and conversion in understanding alternative beliefs. Cognition, 165, 137-146.
⬤ Monroe, M.W. (2017) “Quantifying Religion: Messy Data and Scholarly Input in the Database of Religious History,” MediaCommons.
⬤ Chudek, M., McNamara, R., Birch, S., Bloom, P., & Henrich, J. (2017) Do minds switch bodies? Dualist interpretations across ages and societies. Religion, Brain & Behavior, doi:10.1080/2153599X.2017.1377757
⬤ Muthukrishna, M., Francois, P., Pourahmadi, S., & Henrich, J. (2017) Corrupting Cooperation and How Anti-Corruption Strategies May Backfire. Nature Human Behaviour, 1: 0138.
⬤ Purzycki, B.G., Henrich, J., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q., Baimel, A., Cohen, E., McNamara, R., Willard, A., Xygalatas, D., and Norenzayan , A. (2017) “The evolution of religion and morality: a synthesis of ethnographic and experimental evidence from eight societies,” Religion, Brain & Behavior, DOI:10.1080/2153599X.2016.1267027
⬤ McNamara, R. A., & Henrich, J. (2017) Kin and Kinship Psychology both influence cooperative coordination in Yasawa, Fiji. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38: 197-207.
⬤ McNamara, R.A., & Henrich, J. (2017) Jesus vs. the Ancestors: How specific religious beliefs shape prosociality on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Religion Brain & Behavior, doi: 10.1080/2153599X.2016.1267030.
⬤ Xygalatas, D., Kotherová, S., Maňo, P., Kundt, R., Cigán, J., Kundtová Klocová, E., & Lang, M. (2017) “Big Gods in small places: the Random Allocation Game in Mauritius,” Religion, Brain & Behavior, DOI:10.1080/2153599X.2016.1267033
⬤ Purzycki, B.G., and Kulundary, V. (2017) “Buddhism, identity, and class: fairness and favoritism in the Tyva Republic,” Religion, Brain & Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2016.1267031
⬤ Slingerland, E., Nichols, R., Nielbo, K., and Logan, C. “The Distant Reading of Religious Texts: A “Big Data” Approach to Mind-Body Concepts in Early China” (accepted and in production, Journal of the American Academy of Religion)
⬤ Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2016). Innovation in the Collective Brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371(1690).
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2016) “The Evolution of Gods’ Minds in the Tyva Republic,” Current Anthropology, 57(S13): S88-S104. Supplementary Materials.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2016) “How Punitive, Omniscient Gods May Have Encouraged the Expansion of Human Society,” The Conversation [Republished in This View of Life].
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and Baimel, A. (2016). Examining the Minds of Gods. MacMillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks on Religion: Mental Religion. Farmington Hills: MacMillan, pp. 45-60.
⬤ Moya, C. & J. Henrich (2016) Culture-gene coevolutionary psychology: cultural learning, language, and ethnic psychology. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8:112-118.
⬤ Moya, C., Boyd, R., & J. Henrich (2015) Reasoning about cultural and genetic transmission: Developmental and cross-cultural evidence from Peru, Fiji, and the US on how people make inferences about trait and identity transmission. Topics in Cognitive Science, 7(4): 595-610.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and McNamara, R. A. (2016). An Ecological Theory of Gods’ Minds. In De Cruz, Helen and Nichols, Ryan (eds.). Advances in Religion, Cognitive Science, and Experimental Philosophy. New York: Continuum, pp. 143-167.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and Willard, A. K. (2016) “MCI Theory: A Critical Discussion,” [Target Article with Commentaries]. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 6(3): 207-248.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q., Cohen, E., McNamara, R. A., Willard, A. K., Norenzayan, A., and Henrich, J. (2016) “Cross-cultural dataset for the Evolution of Religion and Morality Project,” Scientific Data, 3: 16099. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.99.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. (2016). The Origins of Religion. In D. M. Buss, Ed., Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, 2nd Ed.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. (2016). Theodiversity. Annual Review of Psychology, 67, 21.1-21.24.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. (2016). Theodiversity. In J. Brockman (Ed.), Edge Volume: [What do you consider the most important [scientific] news? What makes it important?](https://www.edge.org/response-detail/26658)
⬤ McNamara, R.A., Norenzayan, A., and Henrich, J. (2016) “Supernatural punishment, in-group biases, and material insecurity: experiments and ethnography from Yasawa, Fiji,” Religion, Brain & Behavior Vol. 6, Iss. 1.
⬤ Norenzayan, A., Shariff, A., Gervais, W., Willard, A., McNamara, R.A., Slingerland, E., and Henrich, J. (2016) “The Cultural Evolution of Prosocial Religions,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, 1-19.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. Shariff, A. F., Gervais, W. M., Willard, A., Slingerland, E., & Henrich, J. (2016). Parochial prosocial religions: Historical and contemporary evidence for a cultural evolutionary process. [Response to Commentaries].
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q. D., Cohen, E., McNamara, R. A., Willard, A. K., Xygalatas, D., Norenzayan, A., & Henrich, J. (2016). Moralistic gods, supernatural punishment and the expansion of human sociality. Nature.
⬤ Shariff, A. F., Willard, A. K., Andersen, T., & Norenzayan, A. (2016). Religious Priming: A metanalysis with a focus on prosociality. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 20, 27-48.
⬤ Willard, A. K., Henrich, J. & Norenzayan, A.(2016). Memory and belief in the transmission of counterintuitive content. Human Nature, 27(3), 221-243.
⬤ Willard, A. K., Shariff, A. F., & Norenzayan, A. (2016). Religious priming as a research tool for studying religion: Evidentiary value, current issues, and future directions. Current Opinion in Psychology, 12, 71-75.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2015) “Inside the Mind of God,” Aeon Magazine.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and McNamara, R. A. (2015) “Ecology, Consensus, and Variation: Issues with Time and Persistence in Religious Systems,” Religion, Brain and Behavior, 5(3): 250-253.
⬤ Reddish, P., Tok P., and Kundt, R. (2015) “Religious Cognition and Behaviour in Autism: The Role of Mentalizing,” The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, DOI: 10.1080/10508619.2014.1003518.
⬤ Slingerland, E. (2015) “Big Gods, Historical Explanation, and Bringing Religious Studies Out of the Intellectual Ghetto,” Religion, 45:4.
⬤ Hoverd, W. J., Bulbulia, J., Partow, N., and Sibley, C.G. (2015) “Forecasting religious change: a bayesian model predicting proportional Christian change in New Zealand,” Religion, Brain & Behavior, 5(1):4-16.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. (2015). Big questions about Big Gods: response and discussion. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 5(4), 327-342.
⬤ Norenzayan, A., & Gervais, W. M. (2015). Secular rule of law erodes believers’ political intolerance of atheists. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 5(1), 3-14.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2014) “On the Dark Side of Religion and Other Forms of Impression Management,” Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 2(1): 29-34.
⬤ Fischer, R. and Xygalatas, D. (2014) “Extreme Rituals as Social Technologies,” Journal of Cognition and Culture 14: 345–355.
⬤ Munson, J., Amati, V., Collard, M., and Macri, M. (2014) “Classic Maya Bloodletting and the Cultural Evolution of Religious Rituals: Quantifying Patterns of Variation in Hieroglyphic Texts,” PLOS One 9(9): e107982. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107982.
⬤ Mitkidis, P., Xygalatas, D., Buttrick, N., Porubanova, M., and Lienard, P. (2014) “The Impact of Authority on Cooperation: A cross-cultural examination of systemic trust,” Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.
⬤ Nichols, R., Lynn, J., and Purzycki, B. G. (2014) “Toward a Science of Science Fiction: Applying Quantitative Methods to Genre Individuation,” Scientific Study of Literature, 4(1): 25-45.
⬤ Nichols, R. (2014) “Re-evaluating the Effects of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake on Eighteenth-Century Minds: How Cognitive Science of Religion Improves Intellectual History with Hypothesis Testing Methods,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 82(4), 970–1009. doi:10.1093/jaarel/lfu033.
⬤ Porubanova-Norquist, M., Shaw, D., McKay, R., and Xygalatas, D. (2014) “Memory for Expectation-Violating Concepts: The Effects of Agents and Cultural Familiarity,” PLOS ONE, 9(4): e90684.
⬤ Fischer, R., Xygalatas, D., Mitkidis, P., Reddish, P., Konvalinka, I., and Bulbulia, J (2014) “The fire-walker’s high: Affect and physiological responses in an extreme collective ritual,” PLOS ONE 9(2): e88355.
⬤ Bauer, M., Cassar A., Chytilová, J. and Henrich, J. (2014) “War’s Enduring Effects on the Development of Egalitarian Motivations and In-group Biases,” Psychological Science, 25(1), 47-57.
⬤ Wilson, M., Bulbulia, J., Sibley, C. (2014) “Differences and similarities in religious and paranormal beliefs: a typology of distinct faith signatures.” Religion, Brain & Behavior, 4(2):104-126.
⬤ Bulbulia, J., Wilson, M.S., and Sibley, C.G. (2014) “Thin and thinner: hypothesis driven research and the study of humans,” Numen, 61(2-3):166-181.
⬤ Norenzayan, A. (2014). Does religion make people moral? Behaviour, 151 365-384.
⬤ Hoverd, W.J., Bulbulia, J., and Sibley, C.G. (2013) “Does poverty predict religion?” Religion Brain and Behavior, 3(3):185-200.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and Sosis, R. (2013) “The Extended Religious Phenotype and the Adaptive Coupling of Ritual and Belief,” Israel Journal for Ecology and Evolution, 59(2): 99-108.
⬤ Bulbulia, J., Xygalatas, D., Schjødt, U., Fondevila, S., Sibley, C.G., and Konvalinka, I. (2013) “Images From a Jointly-Arousing Collective Ritual Reveal Emotional Polarization,” Frontiers in Psychology, 4(960) DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00960.
⬤ Bulbulia, J., Osborne, D. and Sibley, C.G. (2013) “Moral foundations predict religious orientations in New Zealand,” PLOS ONE, 8(12):e80224.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2013) “A review of Frans de Waal, The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism among the Primates,” The Quarterly Review of Biology, 88(4): 342.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2013) “Toward a Cognitive Ecology of Religious Concepts: An Example from the Tyva Republic,” Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 1(1): 99-120.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. (2013) “The Minds of Gods: A Comparative Study of Supernatural Agency,” Cognition, 129(1): 163-179.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G., and Arakchaa, T. (2013) “Ritual Behavior and Trust in the Tyva Republic,” Current Anthropology, 54(3): 381-388. Supplementary materials.
⬤ Barrett, H. C., Broesch, T., Scott, R. M., He, Z., Baillargeon, R., Wu, D., Bolz, M., Henrich, J., Setoh, P., Wang, J., and Laurence, S. (2013) “Early false-belief understanding in traditional non-Western societies.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 208.
⬤ House, B., Silk, J., Henrich, J., Barrett, C., Scelza, B., Boyette, A., Hewlett, B., McElreath, R., and Laurence, S. (2013) “Ontogeny of prosocial behavior across diverse societies,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
⬤ Xygalatas, D., Mitkidis, P., Fischer, R., Reddish, P., Skewes, J., Geertz, A. W., Roepstorff, A. and Bulbulia, J. (2013) “Extreme Rituals Promote Prosociality,” Psychological Science 24(8): 1602–1605.
⬤ Hruschka, D. J., and Henrich, J. (2013) “Institutions, parasites and the persistence of in-group preferences,” PLOS ONE, 8(5), e63642.
⬤ Silk, J., Brosnan, S. F., Henrich, J., Lambeth, S. P., and Shapiro, S. (2013) “Chimpanzees share food for many reasons: the role of kinship, reciprocity, social bonds, and harassment on food transfers.” Animal Behavior, 85, 941-947.
⬤ Schjødt, U., Sørensen, J., Nielbo, K. L., Xygalatas, D., Mitkidis, P. and Bulbulia, J. (2013) “The resource model and the principle of predictive coding: A framework for analyzing proximate effects of ritual,” Religion, Brain, and Behavior, 3, 1, p. 79-86.
⬤ Slingerland, E., Henrich, J., and Norenzayan, A. (2013) “The Evolution of Prosocial Religions,” Cultural Evolution: Strüngmann Forum Reports, Vol. 12, ed. Peter Richerson and Morton Christiansen. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
⬤ Norenzayan, A., Henrich, J., and Slingerland, E. (2013) “Religious Prosociality: A Synthesis,” Cultural Evolution: Strüngmann Forum Reports, Vol. 12, ed. Peter Richerson and Morton Christiansen. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
⬤ Bulbulia, J., Geertz, A., Atkinson, Q., Cohen, E., Henrich, J., Norenzayan, A., Slingerland, E., Whitehouse, H., Widlok, T., and Wilson, D.S. (2013) “The Cultural Evolution of Religion: Group Report 4,” Cultural Evolution: Strüngmann Forum Reports, Vol. 12, ed. Peter Richerson and Morton Christiansen. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
⬤ Slingerland, E. (2013) “Body and Mind in Early China: An Integrated Humanities-Science Approach,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 81.1: 6-553.
⬤ Purzycki, B. G. and Sosis, R. (2013) Comment for “Cooperation in Context: Public Goods Games and Post-Soviet Collectives in Kamchatka, Russia,” Current Anthropology, 54(2): 166-167.
⬤ Xygalatas, D., Schjoedt, U., Bulbulia, J., Konvalinka, I., Jegindø, E-M., Reddish, P., Geertz, A. W., and Roepstorff, A. (2013) “Autobiographical Memory in a Fire-Walking Ritual,” Journal of Cognition and Culture 13(1-2): 1-16.
⬤ Schjodt, U., Sørensen, J., Nielbo, K. L., Xygalatas, D., Mitkidis, P., and Bulbulia, J. (2013) “Cognitive resource depletion in religious interactions,” Religion, Brain & Behavior, 3(1), 39–86.
⬤ Xygalatas, D. (2013) “What is natural and unnatural about religion and science,” Religion, Brain and Behavior 3(2): 161-164.
⬤ Xygalatas, D. (2013) “Přenos laboratoře do terénu: Využití smíšených metod během terénního studia náboženství,” (Bringing the Lab into the Field: Using mixed methods to study religion in the wild), Sociální Studia 10(2): 15-25.
⬤ Wilson, M., Bulbulia, J., and Sibley, C. (2013) “Differences and similarities in religious and paranormal beliefs: a typology of distinct faith signatures,” Religion, Brain & Behavior.
⬤ Tracy, J. L., Shariff, A. F., Zhao, W., and Henrich, J. (2013) “Cross-Cultural Evidence that the Nonverbal Expression of Pride is an Automatic Status Signal,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
⬤ Nielbo, K. L., Schjoedt, U., and Sørensen, J. (2013) “Hierarchical organization of segmentation in non-functional action sequences,” Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 1(1).
⬤ Gervais, W. M., & Norenzayan, A. (2013). Religion and the origins of anti-atheist prejudice. Link to book chapter In S. Clarke, R. Powell, & J. Savulescu (Eds.), Intolerance and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
⬤ Willard, A. K., & Norenzayan, A. (2013). Cognitive biases explain religious belief, paranormal belief, and belief in life’s purpose. Cognition, 129, 379-391.
⬤ Norenzayan, A., and Gervais, W. (2013) “The origins of religious disbelief,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 17.
⬤ Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., Francois, P., Slingerland, E., and Collard, M. (2012) “A Historical Database of Sociocultural Evolution,” Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History, 3: 271–293.
⬤ Xygalatas, D., (2012) “Effects of religious setting on cooperative behaviour. A case study from Mauritius,” Religion, Brain and Behavior, October 2012.
⬤ Sibley, C.G. and Bulbulia, J. (2012) “Faith After an Earthquake: a longitudinal study of religion and perceived health before and after the 2011 Christchurch New Zealand earthquake,” PLOS ONE, 7(12):e49648.
⬤ Bulbulia, J., and Slingerland, E. (2012) “Religious Studies as a Life Science,” Numen, August 2012.
⬤ Slingerland, E. (2012) “Back to the Future: A Response to Martin and Wiebe,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, July 2012. The full discussion is currently viewable online here.
⬤ Richerson, P., and Henrich, J. (2012) “Tribal Social Instincts and the Cultural Evolution of Institutions to Solve Collective Action Problems,” Cliodynamics 3(1): 38-80.
⬤ House, B.R., Henrich, J, Brosnan, S.F., and Silk, J.B. (2012) “The ontogeny of human prosociality: behavioral experiments with children aged 3 to 8,” Evolution and Human Behavior, 33 (4): 291-308.
⬤ Henrich. J. (2012) “Hunter-gatherer cooperation,” Nature (News and Views) 481: 449-450.
⬤ Nakahashi, W., Wakano, J., and Henrich, J. (2012) “Adaptive social learning strategies in temporally and spatially varying environments,” Human Nature.
⬤ Henrich, J. and Chudek, M. (2012) “Understanding the research program,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences [Commentary on Guala] 35(1), 29-30.
⬤ Laurin, K., Shariff, A., Henrich, J. and Kay, A.C. (2012) “Outsourcing punishment to god: Beliefs in divine control reduce earthly punishment,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279: 3272-3281.
⬤ Henrich, J., Boyd, R., and Richerson, P.J. (2012) “The Puzzle of Monogamous Marriage,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367: 657-669.
⬤ Norenzayan, A., Gervais, W., and Trzesniewski, K. (2012) “Mentalizing deficits constrain belief in a personal God,” PLOS ONE, 7, e36880.
⬤ Gervais, W. M., and Norenzayan, A. (2012) “Analytic thinking promotes religious disbelief,” Science, 336, 493-496.
⬤ Gervais, W. M., and Norenzayan, A. (2012) “Reminders of secular authority reduce believers’ distrust of atheists,” Psychological Science, doi:10.1177/0956797611429711.
⬤ Gervais, W. M., and Norenzayan, A. (2012) “Like a camera in the sky? Thinking about God increases public self-awareness and socially desirable responding,” Journal of Experimental Social Pychology, 48, 298-302.
⬤ Henrich, J., Boyd, R., McElreath, R., Gurven, M., Richerson, P.J., Ensminger, J., Alvard, M., Barr, A., Barrett, C., Bolyanatz, C.F., Cardenas, J-C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H. M., Gil-White, F., Gwako, E. L., Henrich, N., Hill, K., Lesorogol, C., Patton, J.Q., Marlowe, F.W., Tracer, D.P., and Ziker, J. (2012) “Culture does account for variation in game behavior,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 109(2): E32-E33 [Comment on Lamba and Mace].
⬤ Boyd, R., Richerson, P.J., Henrich, J. (2011) “The Cultural Niche,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 108: 10918-10925.
⬤ Chudek, M. and Henrich, J. (2011) “Culture-gene coevolution, norm-psychology and the emergence of human prosociality,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15(5): 218-226.
⬤ Gervais, W. M., Willard, A.K., Norenzayan, A., and Henrich, J. (2011) “The Cultural Transmission of Faith: Why innate intuitions are necessary, but insufficient, to explain religious belief,” Religion 41(3): 389-410.
2010 and earlier
⬤ Atran, S., and Henrich, J. (2010) “The Evolution of Religion,” Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution and Cognition 5(1): 18-30.
⬤ Henrich, J., and Henrich, N. (2010) “The Evolution of Cultural Adaptations: Fijian taboos during pregnancy and lactation protect against marine toxins,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277: 3715-3724.
⬤ Henrich, J., Ensminger, J., McElreath, R., Barr, A., Barrett, H.C., Bolyanatz, A., Camilo Cardenas, J., Gurven, M., Gwako, E., Henrich, N., Lesorogol, C., Marlowe, F.W., Tracer, D., and Ziker, J. (2010) “Markets, religion, community size and the evolution of fairness and punishment,” Science 327: 1480-1484.
⬤ Gervias, W., and Henrich, J. (2010) “The Zeus Problem,” Journal of Cognition and Culture 10: 383-389.
⬤ Richerson, P. J., Boyd, R., and Henrich, J. (2010) “Gene-Culture Coevolution in the Age of Genomics,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States 107: 8985-8992.
⬤ Collard, M., Buchanan, B., Hamilton, M., and O’Brien, M. (2010) “Spatiotemporal dynamics of the Clovis–Folsom transition,” Journal of Archaeological Science.
⬤ Collard, M., Edinborough, K., Shennan, S., and Thomas, M. (2010) “Radiocarbon evidence indicates that migrants introduced farming to Britain,” Journal of Archaeological Science.
⬤ Buchanan, B., and Collard, M. (2010) “A geometric morphometrics-based assessment of blade shape differences among Paleoindian projectile point types from western North America,” Journal of Archaeological Science.
⬤ Lycett, S., Collard, M., and McGrew, W. (2010) “Are behavioral differences among wild chimpanzee communities genetic or cultural? An assessment using tool-use data and phylogenetic methods,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
⬤ Schaller, M., Miller, G.E., Gervais, W.M., Yager, S., and Chen, E. (2010) “Mere visual perception of others’ disease symptoms facilitates a more aggressive immune response,” Psychological Science.
⬤ Ginges, J., Hansen, I.G., and Norenzayan, A. (2009) “Religion and support for suicide attacks,” Psychological Science, 20, 224-230.
⬤ Henrich, J. (2009) “The evolution of costly displays, cooperation, and religion: Credibility enhancing displays and their implications for cultural evolution,” Evolution and Human Behaviour, 30, 244-260.
⬤ Norenzayan, A., and Shariff, A.F. (2008) “The origin and evolution of religious prosociality,” Science, 322.
⬤ O’Gorman, R., Henrich, J., and Van Vugt, M. (2008) “Constraining free riding in public goods games: designated solitary punishers can sustain human cooperation,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
⬤ Fincher, C.L., Thornhill, R., Murray, D.R., and Schaller, M. (2008) “Pathogen prevalence predicts human cross-cultural variability in individualism/collectivism,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275, 1279-1285.
⬤ Tracy, J. L., and Matsumoto, D. (2008) “The spontaneous display of pride and shame: Evidence for biologically innate nonverbal displays,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 11655-11660.
⬤ Buchanan, B., Collard, M., and Edinborough, K. (2008) “Paleoindian demography and the extraterrestrial impact hypothesis,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,105: 11651-11654.